Learning from the weathermen: typhoons and presentation techniques

Hurricanes and typhoons have kept TV weathermen at the top of the news cycle recently. The following is a critical look at a handful of weather reports, brought to you with the idea that the same elements that make for a good TV presentation can help you when you speak in public. One of the … More Learning from the weathermen: typhoons and presentation techniques

Talking about others, not yourself: Kissinger, Biden, Clinton, Madonna

A little bit of “I” goes a long way in public speaking. Aristotle highlighted the importance in rhetoric of establishing one’s own credibility. He called it “ethos” and defined it as one of the essential “modes of persuasion”. But beware: referring to oneself in a speech is like salt in cooking: a pinch enhances the … More Talking about others, not yourself: Kissinger, Biden, Clinton, Madonna